You're invited! Please come to Protect Washington Families Rally on January 8th at 2 p.m. The rally will be held on the West Lawn at the Washington State Capital. Stand up for parental rights, child protection and women's privacy! You are encouraged to make appointments with your legislators (on your own) during the morning and earlier afternoon. Let's make our voices heard!

Please note that firearms are prohibited on the Capital Campus (sorry, not my decision). While you are welcome to bring homemade signs to wave, please keep any signage family-friendly and focused on supporting our cause. This is an all-ages rally. Thanks.

For any questions, please email:

Note that you can find your legislative district and representatives via the legislature's website:

Planned speakers include:

Join the event page on Facebook:

Copyright. Rebecca Faust. 2023.

This website is owned and paid for by Rebecca Faust.